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Wednesday October 28
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Please join us as Katie Benner '99, The New York Times Justice Department reporter, talks with legal scholar Dennis Hutchinson '69 and longtime Court observer Nancy Bellhouse May '78 about Ginsburg’s legacy, her successor, and the issues facing the Court. Questions and answers to follow.
Event registration summary
The Supreme Court after Ruth Bader Ginsburg:

Dennis Hutchinson '69 earned a BA in law from Oxford University and an LLM from the University of Texas at Austin. He clerked for three federal judges, including Justices Byron White and William Douglas. He began his teaching career at Georgetown University and moved to the Law School of Chicago, where he has been since 1981. He teaches and writes in the areas of modern American constitutional history, judicial behavior, and legal history. For more than three decades, he co-edited The Supreme Court Review.

Nancy Bellhouse May '78 spent the 19 years before her recent retirement editing The Journal of Appellate Practice and Process, which provides a forum for creative thought and dialogue about the operation of appellate courts and their influence on the development of the law. A graduate of Columbia Law School, Nancy practiced law in Maine and Arkansas before joining The Journal and has followed the appellate courts for more than 30 years.